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Operator Guidance for the Safe Management of Open Water Activities

This guidance applies to UK open water sites operated on a commercial basis.

Operator Guidance - Open Water


Assistive Lifeguard Technology - how it works and what the future holds

AĀ presentation that provides insight into how ALT systems work and what the future of ALT may look like.Ā 

Assistive Lifeguard Technology presentation


Competency Assessment Sheet

A template that provides a framework for competency assessment of face-to-face, virtual, or self-paced learning modules.

Competency Assessment Sheet


Initial and Ongoing  Training Competency Tracker

A template that provides a framework for tracking the competency sign-off for initial and ongoing training across an individual's profile

Initial and Ongoing Competency Tracker


Emergency Action Plan Templates

An example of a concise, procedure for managing common emergency scenarios in the swimming pool environment.

Pool evacuation
Loss of visibility
Water contamination


Swimming Pool OHS (England and Wales) Legal Register

A legal register of occupational health and safety legislation and associated guidance and Approved Codes of Practice applying the law of England and Wales.

Legal Register


Lifeguard Zone Visibility Test Template

A risk assessment template for conducting Lifeguard Zone Visibility Tests.

Lifeguard Zone Visibility Test


Swimming Pool Risk Assessment Template

A swimming pool risk assessment template incorporating key features and sample hazard and control measure identification in accordance with HSG179, EN 15288 and associated guidance. 

Swimming Pool Risk Assessment


Statement of Responsibilities

An example of a statement of responsibilities which can be used for any role within the organization.

Statement of Responsibilities


Swimming Pool Competency Matrix

A competency matrix of desirable and essential criteria for critical roles within the organisation.

Swimming Pool Competency Matrix


Slip and Trip Risk Assessment Template

A slip and trip risk assessment template incorporating a slip map, condition survey, and sample hazard and control measure identification in accordance with HSE guidance.

Slip and Trip Risk Assessment


Waterslide Risk Assessment Template

A waterslide risk assessment template incorporating key features, documentary requirements, and sample hazard and control measure identification in accordance with EN 1069 Parts 1 and 2. 

Waterslide Risk Assessment


Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

A checklist for residential developers or freeholders to risk assess the water safety aspects of their SuDS if it is a pond. 

SuDS checklist